Physical therapists and Physical Therapist Assistants are skilled in many massage techniques which can relieve pain and promote healing of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs). MSDs are a common cause of injuries resulting in lost time, OSHA recordable injuries, and lost productivity. They are also a burden to the employee, not only due to the pain involved, but often due to loss of income related to decreased hours or reduced pay while off of work. On site physical therapy treatment with massage techniques can help with this.
There are several important benefits of massage as first aid for a work-related MSD. First is that it brings the therapy professional in contact with the injured worker for an assessment including careful documentation of the status of the injury. Second, it provides and opportunity to relieve pain from strained muscles, trigger points, sprains and guarding patterns. Also, use of massage techniques can promote healing and resolution of an injury by breaking the pain cycle, reducing muscle guarding and spams, and increasing blood flow to the injured area. This in turn will help in restoration of normal movement patterns, further promoting healing and resolution of the injury.
It has been determined that application of massage techniques as first aid for a work-related musculoskeletal injury is within the context of First Aid by OSHA definition. This is true regardless of who applies the technique or their professional status. So, massage techniques applied by a professionally trained and licensed physical therapist or Physical Therapist Assistant is considered first aid. Therefore, such treatment, combined with other first aid and ergonomic interventions, can often resolve work related MSDs before any actual medical intervention is needed. This benefits both the employer and the employer in multiple ways:
1. It does not create an OSHA recordable injury
because the injury is resolved through first aid measures.
2. The employee gets early intervention and care leading to more rapid recovery and return to work.
3. Provides an opportunity for 1 on 1 posture and body mechanics assessment and advice.
4. Provides for skilled documentation of the injury and of the ongoing resolution of the injury.
In summary, our physical therapy professionals can provide Massage Techniques on site at your facility to help resolve MSDs that occur. This combined with other first aid techniques and preventive Ergonomic interventions and Stretch & Flex programs are very helpful in prevention and resolution of work-related injury.